intimacy surrogacy

how you fuck is how you live

new instant access MasterSex class

CONFIDENT LOVER is three (3) 55-75 minute self-paced video sessions and practices to take into real life that open up a new way to live and fuck.
CONSCIOUS COCK : Bring a new awareness to your cock and the consciousness you're fucking from
LEGENDARY LOVER : Decode feminine pleasure and learn the No. 1 thing she needs from you to access her pleasure
LEADING MAN : Live like you fuck, confidently beckon her ecstatic surrender, and become potently erect in your life
* BONUS: Two (2) recorded audios of my guided "Sensual Slow King Cock" Masturbeditation AND "Inner Throne" parts work meditation.

"In a strange way I actually initially felt some trepidation. You took me to the top of Mount Everest with you, and after being at the peak and summit, becoming grounded again and returning to normal life seemed life it would be a letdown. But you've shown me that instead of being a passive observer, rather becoming an active participant can keep these peaks where they are, or at least gives us the ability to continue striving towards them. Like you say, HOW YOU FUCK IS HOW YOU LIVE, and you've shown me incredible ways to do both."

are you ready to...
~ Decode relational patterns & behaviors that are creating insecurity and disconnection
~ Redefine what it means to be confident in your masculine energy
~ Understand where your sexual needs and blocks are coming from and how to express sexual freedom
~ Unpack & release resentments, anger, sadness, and fear with all the women in your life, past & present
~ Learn the energetic and sensual languages of the feminine and how to create safety for her to open her heart and body to you in full surrender
~ Heal a sexless marriage and respark the flames of desire and trust
~ Understand your attachment strategy, release old relating wounds, upgrade erotic knowledge & sexual power, and remember who the fuck you really are
what is an
intimacy surrogate?
Much like a sexual surrogate partner is the physical stand-in to heal sexual dysfunction, as the first Intimacy Surrogate I recalibrate your relational nervous system to feel and master deeper experiences of physical, emotional, energetic, and spiritual intimacy.
Intimacy Surrogacy escorts you into the experience of safety, confidence and freedom with the feminine. Through the practice of being in your truth, your deepest desires. and the vulnerability of your needs for self respect and acceptance, you will emerge in your power ready to create the relationships and sex life that turns you on.

Intimacy is truth

“Working with Shauna opened up much more than just my mind around intimacy. She truly helped guide me to heal my heart and become not only a more open hearted, emotionally available man but also grounded in the centered power of the masculine energy I always had. Since working with Shauna I notice my ability to connect with women has changed. I no longer have these deep rooted feelings of anger and avoidance that was pushing them away, instead dates have gotten much easier and more enjoyable. Women seem more naturally drawn to me and I attract more high quality women into my life.”

the SPICE method
Six-week Personal Mastermind
wake up your marriage and spice up your sex life
The SPICE Method is a guide to living in your power and confidently engaging with your wife in a way that effortlessly garners her respect, admiration and desire for you.
After so many years together, many couples let unexpressed conversations, built up resentments, and an uninspired intimate life create a chasm between them. They're together but no longer truly connected. Going through the motions without the spark once there in the beginning. More roommates than lovers anymore. A consistent presence of dull frustration between them stealing the freedom they used to have with each other.
You may be at a loss trying to understand how it got here. Or maybe you detect multiple reasons for the disconnection but have no clue how to revive your marriage.
it's not a lost cause!
If your longterm partnership has become bland, stale and lacking the pizazz you once had in the beginning, you can put the heat back into your life. This 6-week private 1:1 mastermind will completely season up and shake out the necessary ingredients for a spicy intimate life with your wife.
S - Sovereignty
P - Porn & Passion
I - Intimacy Revival
C - Communication & Conflict Resolution
E - Emotional Literacy
A woman is wet for a man who is the king of his life. He knows who he is, what he wants, and is a warrior in building and protecting his kingdom, which includes her. If you have a history of insecurity, emasculation or rejection, it’s time to reclaim your throne my dear man. You do so through your integrity, courage when facing the uncomfortable, and leading your life and relationship into tantric bliss. Self-empowered sovereignty is what gives her the safety to surrender her heart and body to you.
Where are you leaking power?
What’s the mindset that needs to shift?
How are you letting the past weaken the potential of your future together?
I’ve not met a man who hasn’t at some point felt like a slave to porn for his dopamine hits, which often translates to his woman feeling unseen and used. She wants to feed off your passion for life not be the sole supplier of it. When you live an erotically charged life she feels invited into an energy she can’t generate on her own. You act like a magnetic conductor that amplifies the energetic field between you instead of draining her sensual battery.
How has porn negatively programmed your body and capacity for deeper intimacy?
Do you understand how to cook within her erotic blueprint?
What else besides sex turns you on?
If intimacy is only defined as sex, you’re missing the biggest components your woman needs in order to crave you. If her heart, mind and body are not doused with intimate relating, her sex will not open for you. There’s no trick or script that will satisfy her as deeply as your intimate truth, unselfish presence, and curiosity of how to fuck her from the inside out.
Do you feel truly seen, accepted and free to be yourself with her?
What truths have you hidden that block erotic connection?
Does she feel your devotion to her?
It’s not chemistry or even compatibility that ensure a good relationship. It’s not how well you love her when it’s good that matters but how you love her when there’s disagreement and disconnection. How you two fight and resolve conflict is the biggest predictor of how solid and erotically connected you’ll remain. Communication is key in securing the deepest love and safety in each other.
What is your modus operandi when you feel hurt, misunderstood, disrespected or rebuffed?
What can you say and do that will melt her iced or hardened heart, snap her out the engulfment of her feelings and reopen her to you?
If you’re disconnected from the vulnerable truth of your internal world you can’t calibrate to hers. When you’re numb or withdrawn emotionally, she will seem dramatic, unstable, and confusing. Her legs will willingly open when her heart is lusted over. Developing emotional aptitude, maturity and literacy creates a safe and trusted space for Eros to flow in orgasmic waves.
What preconceived perceptions of emotions and feelings for a man do you carry from your father, friends, and culture?
Does a woman’s emotional realm stumpify, irritate or shut you down?
How easy is it for you to know and explain what you believe and how you really feel?
SPICE is a 6-week transformational private 1:1 mastermind that will revolutionize your marriage. She will no longer be a mystery and you’ll find the missing pieces of the puzzle that have made intimacy a challenge.
Adding some SPICE to your life makes you SPICY. The Y is the ability to show up authentically YOU. At a somatic, spiritual and tantric level you’ll resensitize your intimate connections while losing sensitivity to criticism and rejection. You’ll have a clear path forward that doesn’t require you to lose yourself. For maybe the first time in your life, you’ll trust in your destiny to be loved and ignited in the holy fire of spicy intimacy.
Are you ready to SPICE up your life and relationship?
Let’s cook up an intoxicating new way to love and be loved in your partnership.
“Shauna is a rare and unique healer. her razor sharp intellect and her master communications are like nothing else out there. I had been through 3 years of marriage and individual therapy but in 2 months the changes in me were shocking to everyone around me.”
6-week SPICE Immersion : $3000
Online sessions may include intuitive mentoring, Internal Family Systems inspired parts work, somatic therapy, shamanic healing journeys, metaphysical readings, vocal & cathartic movement activations, sound healings, expressive arts, breath work, shadow work, tantric practices, and much more from a wisdom bag collected for over 20 years. ​Some of the real insights come through voice coaching available daily through a free walkie-talkie app called Voxer. Nothing needs to be saved and remembered for next week's session. I'm available for 5-30 minute checkins Mon-Fri as real time experiences and questions unfold.
confident lover 6-day immersion
You and me in a deep dive of the CONFIDENT LOVER MasterSex class.
Every other day I'll drip to you the three pillars of the course: Conscious Cock, Legendary Lover, and Leading Man. We'll meet daily in a private Voxer coaching room to dissect the info and particularly apply it to your situation. On the 6th day we'll meet on Zoom for a 90-minute somatic ceremony to integrate your new confidence in the body.
ONLY $555!!
Once you purchase we will be on touch to set up our schedule to begin this journey and create our Voxer coaching room

​4-week or 4-month private PATH to your PENETRATIVE POWER
My dear man, want to know how to stop going limp? It’s not just your cock that’s gone soft.
If there’s sexual frustration, you might also lack firmness when you need to have a challenging conversation.
Your mind may become flaccid when you need to be clear and decisive.
Maybe you feel small or floppy about where you are in life or when dealing with women (either new or the one you’ve been laying next to for 20 years).
Is your life listless or weary instead of turned on?
Big Dick Energy has nothing to do with your cock size, notches on your bedpost, or bank account.
BDE is the way you meet life, your relationships and the most important accomplishments in your life from a sense of ERECTION.
To live an erect life means you hold yourself as tall as possible, fully upright to bravely meet any unknown or provocation.
You elevate your mindscape with empowering choices and beliefs of what is possible.
You get aroused by vulnerability, someone worthy to let in, and become intoxicated with feminine mystique.
You are master of your cock so you can stay alert to your woman’s needs with confidence.
You direct your life to fulfillment and know how to lead your partner & family there with you.
From the inside out, and in every area of your life.
No matter what you’re facing, you got it because you’ve consciously enlarged your entire inner operating system to hold it all.
From this embodiment you ejaculate glittered gold magic in the bedroom and into every facet of your life.
Only a man ERECT within himself can say the truth when it’s hard.
Only an ERECT man can fuck her until she collapses into breathless ecstasy without ever sticking it in.
Only an ERECT man can control his destiny and lead his relationship.
Only a man who's ERECT in mind, heart, cock and soul will be in his full power and can take her into new portals of pleasure.
"This is a complete out of body experience where you have the opportunity to reflect on yourself, your life, your purpose, and she will teach you how to take back the masculine side of yourself that has been missing for however long."
$2222 for 4 weeks or $7500 for 4 month complete reset in power

"I have realized I had not given myself a chance to really grow as a person who knows how to connect to people. Shauna let me be myself, let me shed these layers of self-doubt and strip myself down to a base layer where I could learn to be loved and to love myself. I felt a huge weight was lifted off my own confidence issues with Shauna's gentle and sweet guidance through an intensely passionate experience. Her coaching helped me believe in myself that I can find this type of love on my own now that I have experienced what such an emotional energy can feel like."

Hello my love, I'm SHAUNA!
I’m a deeply emotional and sexually free-spirited feminine being with a superpower of translating complex and mysterious concepts of emotions, the essence of the feminine, and sexual-spiritual energetics into practical logic a man understands from a place he never knew existed within him.
My passionate care and intuitive wisdom were born through emancipation from a cult and healing religious-imprinted sexual distortion, awakening sex positivity & freedom through ethical non-monogamy, and two decades of focused personal healing and training in numerous modalities.
Driven with an obsession for the Sacred Sacral, I was a practicing birth doula for seven years and initiated into the Tantric Arts in 2017.
Since 2019 I've held the truth of men’s hearts as an Intimacy Surrogate Escort, opening them to somatic and experiential presence with the feminine heart and orgasmic bliss beyond the genitals.
My soul’s medicine is informed by psychotherapy tools, Buddhist psychology & mindfulness meditation, energy healing modalities, shamanism & plant medicines, trauma-informed somatic relational therapy training, and a dharma to understand the messiness of being human when trying to embody both freedom and deep connection.

"That special place you hold is where I can remind myself what I've learned and how to bring that to the front of my life whenever I want. It's plugging in, and I'm so grateful that you shined a light on how I can do that in any moment. you're beautiful, thank you for doing what you do. Life is crazy and awesome and works perfectly!"